Anti- Ragging

Guidelines Against Ragging for Demow College, Demow, Sivasagar
Ragging is a serious issue that can have severe physical and psychological consequences for students. Demow College is committed to providing a safe and ragging-free environment for all students. These guidelines aim to prevent and prohibit ragging in all its forms.
Definition of Ragging:
Ragging is any form of physical, verbal, or psychological abuse, harassment, or intimidation, whether in person or through digital means, that is intended to humiliate, embarrass, or harm a student.
Prohibition of Ragging:
1. Ragging is strictly prohibited within the college premises, including classrooms, hostels, canteens, and other areas.
2. Ragging is also prohibited outside the college premises, including during college-sponsored events, trips, or activities.
Punitive Measures:
1. Any student found guilty of ragging will face severe punishment, including:
– Suspension from college for a period of time
– Expulsion from college
– Fines or penalties
– Withdrawal of scholarships or other benefits
2. The college may also report incidents of ragging to the police or other authorities, as necessary.
Prevention and Support:
1. The college has established an Anti-Ragging Committee, comprising faculty members, students, and administrative staff, to monitor and prevent ragging.
2. The college will provide counseling and support services to students who have been affected by ragging.
3. The college organizes awareness programs and workshops to educate students about the negative effects of ragging.
Reporting Incidents:
1. Any student who experiences or witnesses ragging should report the incident immediately to the Anti-Ragging Committee or the college authorities.
2. The college will ensure that all reports of ragging are investigated promptly and thoroughly.
1. Students: Students are expected to behave in a responsible and respectful manner towards their peers and to report any incidents of ragging.
2. Faculty Members: Faculty members are expected to provide a safe and supportive learning environment and to report any incidents of ragging.
3. Administrative Staff: Administrative staff are expected to provide support and assistance to students who have been affected by ragging.
Monitoring and Review:
1. The Anti-Ragging Committee will monitor the implementation of these guidelines and review them regularly.
2. The college will conduct regular surveys and feedback sessions to assess the effectiveness of these guidelines.
Consequences of Non-Compliance:
1. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from college.
2. The college may also take legal action against students or staff who engage in ragging.
By following these guidelines, we can create a safe and supportive learning environment for all students at Demow College.
I, [Student Name], acknowledge that I have read and understood the Guidelines Against Ragging for Demow College. I understand that ragging is a serious offense and that I will be subject to disciplinary action if I engage in ragging or fail to report incidents of ragging.
Signature: ___________
Date: ____________
Note: These guidelines are based on the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009.
Anti-Ragging Committee in Demow College
1. Dr. Krishna Jyoti Handique(Chairperson)
2. Mr. Pabitra Gogoi(Vice-Chairperson)
3. Mr. Palash Sarma(Convener)
4. Ms Deepa Sarma(Member)
5. Mr. Upen Gogoi (member)
6. Ms. Dulurani Phukan(member)
7. General Secretary, student union
8. Mrinali Mohan (student representative)