About us

The Demow College was established on 26th July, 1970 at the initiative of enlightened public and a few distinguished educationists and social activists of the locality. The driving force that did bring these people together was a vision to give an opportunity to students of the region to pursue higher education
Demow College was brought under Deficit Grants-in-aid system in the year of 1985 and was provincialized in the year 2005. Currently, the college stands for quality and excellence in higher education.
Recent look of Demow College
Principal’s Desk

With a vision of academic, socio-economic and cultural development, the Demow College was established in 1970. As a part of global market player in imparting higher education in Arts stream, the institution stands for unity and national integrity infusing the sense of brotherhood, humanity and the spirit of bringing a social change for development.
With a serene academic environment, Demow College is a place of higher learning in Arts programme.
I welcome all the stakeholders to Demow College from the Principal’s desk.
Thank You.
The Mission of the College :
The mission of the institution is to produce efficient, socially committed and well-educated graduates. Through dissemination of relevant information and knowledge of rapidly changing world to the student community, it has been targeted to keep the people at grass roots level in close touch to make them enthusiastic to adapt themselves for their self upliftment well-being of the poorest section of the society and to provide the student community and academic environment to build up their academic career.
The Vision of the College :
The college stands for quality and excellence in higher education. The college visions to translate the mission of the founders of the institution into reality providing better educational environment and quality services to student community. It has a plan to make the institution a vibrant centre of higher learning peculating the knowledge and experience for a sustainable and healthy growth of socio-economic environment. With such vision the college involves its stake-holders in community development programmes, environmental issues and services to humanity. The college authority and the IQAC have been working with such vision.